Saturday, January 22, 2011

Can Yogurt Help Acid Reflux

mortality of shops to the neighborhood watch, the responsibilities of the City of San Prospero

Forwarded from the office. Reggio Emilia printing FLI

"The problem is not new: for years the small business suffers the presence of large shopping malls, more and more exercises are forced to lower their shutters, what happened in the neighborhood watch is paradigmatic in this sense, the policies adopted by the City. " , Said the provincial leader of the Future and Freedom, Thomas Lombardi, who spares no criticism of the City "guilty of providing any of the big shopping centers at the expense of small businesses that keep life in the city and particularly its old town."

"A political - continues Lombardini - which finds confirmation in the local Structure Plan being approved as rightly denounced the provincial president of Confcommercio Donatella Prampolini. I am opposed to extremely serious words of ' Councillor Commerce Natalia Maramotti according to which the decision to close stores dell''Orologio is solely and exclusively for business. alderman remember, even if we are convinced that he knows very well that when there are deliberate policies aimed at hitting in every way a truly competitive small business succeeds. One can not speak about freedom of choice. "

Gush Of Blood And Dizziness

and organ forgotten

Reggio Emilia is a city very strange to quote a dear friend "managed to move the temple of Abu Simbel and you can not move the crib Beltran ..."
Now, without detracting from the crib Beltrami (which in fact is dear to all of the Reggio Emilia) and Ranza quarrel with Don, I would simply note that, unfortunately, they are silent about the facts artistically and culturally far more serious. Reggio
We are fully aware that the Basilica of San Prospero is a symbol of our city, although, in general, underestimate it, or we do not take into proper consideration, the artistic value.
The basilica dedicated to the patron saint, in fact, contains works of art of great value: the frescoes in the apse of Procaccini, the inlaid wooden choir and the De Venetiis, the items (alas, took the original route of Dresden at the time of the famous "sale") of the Boulanger "Night" of Correggio's "Madonna Enthroned with Saints (La Madonna di San Matteo)" by Annibale Carracci, the altar of Tiarini and the original octagonal tower - unfinished - the project took part in the famous Julius Romano, in addition to works by Calvaert, Anselmi, Fields, and many others. Among the many beauties of our small cathedral, it must also include the organ, grand and elegant, carried out between late 1609 and early 1610 by Baldassarre Malamini and rebuilt in 1881 by Gian Battista De Lorenzi, considered among the most beautiful in Emilia Romagna, and on this wonderful tool I would like.
In 1992 it was restored by the individual (family Spallanzani), and given back to the city in its splendor, sound and vision.
Today, following a renovation of the roof and the ceiling of the basilica, many of the pipes are blocked or, due to infiltration, full of water, which not only prevents the full use for the organization of concerts but, more importantly, it undermines its integrity. If you consider that the bellows would require better maintenance, we can say that the driveways to a very sad scenario.
As usual, faced with a fleeting appearance in the newspapers of the problem as a result of the protest of the organist of the basilica, the city has not gotten the message. '
The Curia, through contributions CEI, when the conditions are right, it can also help in finding public and private funds, and the parish, above, is responsible for interventions. Publicly it was said that there is the will to act, I hope that words can follow.
hope, therefore, that the problem can be addressed quickly: San Prospero is a wealth of Reggio Emilia, and the music of his body must continue to accompany the great and solemn moments of our community.

Burton Air Snowboard 61

Neither trained or trainer (From the book "Barking tired", by Daniel Pennac)

If you have a dog, or when you have one, do not you, please, no trainers or trained. That is: do not be one of those "masters" are all proud of having turned the dog on a mat, a beast or a mechanical doll.
"Look how smart my dog \u200b\u200balways seems to tell you what kind of people, and while they have the intelligence of the beast, their faces are painted a bestiality trainers met with no limits.

But you are not even trained. Be not of those people completely subservient to the will of the dog, who do not think that him and whose life is summed up in this, have a dog.

A minimum of instruction is necessary. But we must agree on the meaning of the word. A good lesson is one that requires respect for the dignity of both. "E What is the dignity for a dog? "I ask you: is to be dog. From this standpoint, the good trainer must begin to teach himself, that is to respect the dignity of the dog who lives next to where he wants to behave with dignity, man.

After all, the respect for differences is the law of friendship itself.

And speaking of friends, this: if you have friends who are afraid of dogs, not the presence of your imponetegli, even if the dog is best in the world. The fear of dogs is irrational. E 'often humiliating. And you do not have the This humble right to inflict on anyone.

'll meet people who might make fun of your love for dogs, who claim to love dogs hiding an inability to love the people ... Let them say. They are all nonsense.

It 's amazing how many misconceptions circulate about the dog lovers! So many people said, for example, that the love for dogs and cats for that are incompatible. Between dogs and cats, according to them, you have to choose, you can not love both.
Some of the cats in my life have to laugh out loud hearing such talk. And when a dog or a cat laugh at you, you see ....
One last thing: when you choose to live with a dog, it's forever. Do not you leave. Never. Mettetevelo in mind before adopting a

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Gakkou No Kaidan Subtitle Indonesia

want there in the garden of the king penguin

But just who is the architect of his garden knows. At birth 0:19

riding happiness.
Hope to see you on my way!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Vote Of Thanks, Wedding

The family of Mulino Bianco

Given that I believe does not exist in reality a family that constantly lives in the style of the mill white, I believe that each of us in "some" time in his life has had flashes of serenity and joy worthy of the "family of white windmill. "
In my opinion, beyond the advertising that goes through these idyllic images (but that sounds a little 'false: no mom gets better, made up, coiffed, without a shadow of dark circles, especially during the night had to look after a child or consulate has a bad dream) the aspiration and desire of happiness are part of the human soul. Also I think happiness should be a way of life, a starting point or at least the path. Not a point of arrival. I really liked a sentence, which was published recently by a friend that fb said: "Happiness is wanting what you ". There. And 'giving value to what we have instead of always wanting more. In other words: gratitude.

Facebook is a "square", and as such has advantages and disadvantages of the square: the variety of thoughts, feelings, beliefs, ideologies and personal experiences. I think that has extremely positive aspects of sharing: post a link, a note, a song for me is to have the pleasure of sharing with a group of people my opinion, my thoughts, a piece of me. If you create resonance are satisfied, it means that even if at times feel like "not wanting to belong to this cruel world" there are other people who live on the same wavelength.

Sometimes the public links of solidarity with situations of news that particularly affect me, sometimes angry public link, a condemnation of caste: it hurts me personally to the hypocrisy of religion. All of them! And consequently my thinking follows a certain direction. Do not ever want to be an imposition, or worse, proselytizing. My intention is to let me know who I am and for each "friend" is free to delete if it is bothered by what is often called "monotematicità.

Everyone has books they prefer, has a favorite music in your heart, has a personal lifestyle, which changes slowly with time and experience. With meetings, with comparisons. There. The value of Facebook is that you can learn about different thoughts and define themselves. I identify with what a "friend" was published? Well, I click on "I like it." There are links that I enjoy a lot and I like the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking people smile even more, and so I share them.

live with intensity, with passion. My dogs make me happy: my house is simple, with those queues, wake up wearing a smile!

I feel happy. I normally live feeling happy. I'll be idiotic, but usually I smile to life and she answered, smiling. It does not mean that I do not ever get anything wrong, indeed. It happens sometimes with the thought dwell on the past difficult situations and wonder: "How did I overcome them?"

Answer: love and irony. Many times the love that I gave in abundance and plenty that I received as it helped me. In some cases serve tons of humor to get up from falls catastrophic.

The accusation that I was asked recently: "You make it easy, you: are you in love with your husband, you are reciprocated by him, you have a beautiful daughter, the dogs you love and you love strategic"

E 'VERO! And I am deeply grateful for that! My mother, my grandmother and my daughter gave me a great lesson in life: the ability to enjoy through the joy of others. These three beautiful women do not know the word envy. Each of them gave me the opportunity, through example, to rejoice in the joys of others. In fact, empathy is also suffering, with others. What is important is not to be destroyed.

There are two things that paralyze: Illness and death of people I love. These are issues that paralyze me because I feel helpless, and the smile and the joy of living in that case you go out. There are a pain so strong that they make me lose my mind. I wonder how they do, where to find the strength to live, for example, the earthquake victims who have lost everything, their whole world: home and loved ones. I wonder how people may wake in the morning as the parents of Yara. There are so enormous pain to which I feel absolutely helpless and the smile turns off.

Through this tragedy we all have the opportunity to reflect on its fortunes, the curse of gratitude for an ordinary traffic light turns red when we're late. Or for the PC that crashed just when we were writing an important communication.

And so I feel grateful for my little big trouble for the parents-snake (who has not?) For the loss of friends people who I thought: I am disappointed but I am absolutely negligible, compared to the tragedies that unfortunately captain ..

And if the photos public or movies annoy someone, well, what's the problem? Just do not watch or simply unsubscribe from your list of friends.

I love my flock, with two or four legs, and anyone is welcome, always, in this herd, the important thing is that when you enter does not destroy. If he wants to destroy can do at home. For me the mutual respect is vital. In any relationship. Even respect for myself.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Womens Blazer With Patches On Arm

The League and unnecessary controversy on the unit of Italy

shame that the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy is used instrumentally by the Northern League in advocating the cause of federalism.
This important event, in contrast, should make us reflect on the deep reasons of the growing malaise in our country believe that federalism could, by itself, solve the ills of Italy is the oldest and most deeply rooted illusion.
Without tax reform worthy of the name, recovery policies of economic development, real support to companies that manufacture and sell in Italy and abroad without a generational pact, federalism could only postpone the inevitable decline of a nation would, however, the potential to compete globally with the major industrialized countries.
Federalism, in short, can not be pinning a medal on the chest could be a turning point for Italy, but only if accompanied by genuine reform that season, including a sale of parliamentarians and the other, shaky majority government appears unable to guarantee.
If the Italy of today is not a united country, it is due almost entirely to an inadequate political class, more interested in its survival election to a real project of national development.
I do not mean, of course, only the current class manager, but to what, in the last 40 years, has squandered a wealth of extraordinary resources.
would be wiser to look for elements of unity instead of division, there are enough (and when not there, someone creates them on purpose to distract public attention ...) to add more.
The problem is that the league has a debt with the so-called people of the north: for years now promises federalism but this has not yet been revealed, and now must go to the collection.
Let me not offend at all (because in politics you must still win back the votes, and this applies to all parties), but allow me to express my concern about a necessary reform that is used to keep alive the government: the fate of Italy does not come just from federalism, but also, as mentioned, other important reforms.
pity, finally, the chairman of an important committee has commitments just at the time of President of the Republic: will there quietly for a reason.
PS I hope that friends of the PDL, in a burst of national pride and personal dignity, let them say what they publicly admit in private on their commitment to and its position antiunitarie ...

Monday, January 3, 2011

Fake Silvercross Stroller


Penguins meow. In a state of superposition of latitude 45 ° and 63 °.
This is short but telling.
Maybe another time.