If you have a dog, or when you have one, do not you, please, no trainers or trained. That is: do not be one of those "masters" are all proud of having turned the dog on a mat, a beast or a mechanical doll.
"Look how smart my dog \u200b\u200balways seems to tell you what kind of people, and while they have the intelligence of the beast, their faces are painted a bestiality trainers met with no limits.
But you are not even trained. Be not of those people completely subservient to the will of the dog, who do not think that him and whose life is summed up in this, have a dog.
A minimum of instruction is necessary. But we must agree on the meaning of the word. A good lesson is one that requires respect for the dignity of both. "E What is the dignity for a dog? "I ask you: is to be dog. From this standpoint, the good trainer must begin to teach himself, that is to respect the dignity of the dog who lives next to where he wants to behave with dignity, man.
After all, the respect for differences is the law of friendship itself.
And speaking of friends, this: if you have friends who are afraid of dogs, not the presence of your imponetegli, even if the dog is best in the world. The fear of dogs is irrational. E 'often humiliating. And you do not have the This humble right to inflict on anyone.
'll meet people who might make fun of your love for dogs, who claim to love dogs hiding an inability to love the people ... Let them say. They are all nonsense.
It 's amazing how many misconceptions circulate about the dog lovers! So many people said, for example, that the love for dogs and cats for that are incompatible. Between dogs and cats, according to them, you have to choose, you can not love both.
Some of the cats in my life have to laugh out loud hearing such talk. And when a dog or a cat laugh at you, you see ....
One last thing: when you choose to live with a dog, it's forever. Do not you leave. Never. Mettetevelo in mind before adopting a
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