Saturday, January 22, 2011

Can Yogurt Help Acid Reflux

mortality of shops to the neighborhood watch, the responsibilities of the City of San Prospero

Forwarded from the office. Reggio Emilia printing FLI

"The problem is not new: for years the small business suffers the presence of large shopping malls, more and more exercises are forced to lower their shutters, what happened in the neighborhood watch is paradigmatic in this sense, the policies adopted by the City. " , Said the provincial leader of the Future and Freedom, Thomas Lombardi, who spares no criticism of the City "guilty of providing any of the big shopping centers at the expense of small businesses that keep life in the city and particularly its old town."

"A political - continues Lombardini - which finds confirmation in the local Structure Plan being approved as rightly denounced the provincial president of Confcommercio Donatella Prampolini. I am opposed to extremely serious words of ' Councillor Commerce Natalia Maramotti according to which the decision to close stores dell''Orologio is solely and exclusively for business. alderman remember, even if we are convinced that he knows very well that when there are deliberate policies aimed at hitting in every way a truly competitive small business succeeds. One can not speak about freedom of choice. "


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