Some Sundays are awful.
I think partly because people love their Saturday night and then end up in the morning you wake up late on Sunday and is shorter. I speak of those Sundays
dusty and dull in the head, where thoughts burying one another and we would just sleep off the brain and avoid running gears.
Living alone is an experience constructive / destructive because it is facing loneliness.
Many people avoid it because the loneliness is a force that we dig in, that puts us ahead of ourselves in the mirror and shows us who we really are, with all our fears, insecurities and aspirations do not approved.
Solitude scares us so much, has such power to destroy our shaky stilts over the water stagnant, which we fill to avoid commitments, well beyond what is necessary, we build a lifetime in pursuit of objectives such as floating and fleeting mirages, and as they are just take a step further. But in some
quell'insoddisfazione Sunday afternoon, that awareness of the artifice of some of our behavior, it turns out, confused, like a voice speaking behind a wall of water.
We do not understand well what our "I genuinely trying to communicate to our plasma I in the outside world, even from the outside world, but we feel that something wrong.
And for this we are willing to face it, in fact.
trying to distract me, to leave our boat tossed in the sea of \u200b\u200bnothingness, in social networks with I like, in chat rooms, on television we see and do not look in slur to talk about nothing, not needed in napping and nauseous, maybe we buy something, to give us the toy of the day on which dazed.
Hear that little voice is terribly difficult. Why
mean to discuss, think actually, churning out new thoughts and algorithms that require a daily capacity of the lowest concentration.
But the principle of happiness, serenity and awareness is in reaching the ear at the time.
We must ask questions and try to give answers without fear of humiliation that move the puppet in the eyes of others.
It can be humiliating but it is absurd to be ashamed of themselves.
If we accept with our weaknesses, we can never be genuine in their dealings with the outside world and from this we have only to lose, because the house of cards will collapse one day trabiccolante. Or
will be a castle of a single plane.
Today I made a great addition to my palace, a sofa. 300SEK
changing significantly the quality of everyday life.
I would have bought before but had not yet found a way to carry it up to chance, especially now a cart and a smiling vendor but equally insistent Bangladesh have helped me in the company.
The comfort of a sofa I have always underestimated. Now I think it's pretty much necessary as a bed. Maybe one day we will dedicate a tribute.
But here, I think I understand what you live for the first time alone, but maybe you are simply naive, and that does not count as a sofa, color, material, that is a tiny part of happiness, what really has importance is to have a sofa, it is irrelevant that it is second hand and not tacky when you've had one for five months.
Long live the concept of sofa!
PS At 5 am on Tuesday I leave for Kiruna, intensive course for a meeting of Arctic Sciences.
These days I'm starting to study snowflakes for a first task we have assigned and they are wonderful.
This is more or less what I do, judging by the Charter states that will be an incredible ~ carol / winter / ~ atomic / snowcrystals / photos / photos.htm
PPS Sandro, you saw that in the end I wrote? I take this opportunity, inter alia, to make a Thanksgiving broadcast worldwide as soon as two years ago I suggest going to jump in Sweden in late summer to come take a peek, gave me a key board. I had not come here in the late summer I would probably have applied to Bristol, a city for which they took the agreement this year, after they agreed to the questions then I would end up somewhere, perhaps in Turkey (and also those who he says, maybe there .. who knows). Well, now that you have welcomed the idea of \u200b\u200bdoing my master in Lausanne, in short, is a pleasure to have your support, maybe I will go there in Switzerland as well. It can be said that the sponsors helped.
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