In the end, when I was about 10 years has given up and we went in kennel and we took an adult Cocker we called Red. My mom did not want to grapple with all the commitment that the education of a puppy would require.
When we brought home Red seemed to have achieved the dream of my dreams: I had a dog MY! Unfortunately, Red hated my sister, who was then 5 years. When did the grip, coming to take her face in a margin of 1 cm from the eye, my mom took the dog back and broke it in kennels. For me it was a real tragedy. Now I can understand from mom of course the choice of my mother, but the pain I felt for the separation from that dog seemed irreconcilable. Revise its eyes as we walked away and it was a terrible for him and for us.
From that my mother felt that it might be better to take a puppy, so that we could raise him with trust, beyond the commitment that would involve his eduazione.
Once Red, Always in my family of origin, I also had other dogs, all bred mini.
As soon as I could be in '95 I chose my real dog a Golden Retriever .
Why I chose a dog breed , many have asked me. Firstly, because in those days I had a girl of 6 years and I wanted to be sure of a dog genetically predisposed to be gentle and happy to share their lives with a child. I did not want to risk my incompetence for too many people suffer.
In fact, the arrival of Lucky has been a surge of joy, laughter, our lives were becoming more '. More of everything! A dog can make you understand what it means to be loved unconditionally.
After about 10 months, we've got another puppy, this time a Newfoundland puppy because Newfoundland was a dream of mine. And Mafalda was the full realization of my dream. She was my dog. Had the shape of a Newfoundland but inside she hid the soul of a rottweiler and she was wary and protective towards us and towards the territory. And after about six months we have also taken on Leo, our first Leonberger . Mafalda and Lucky were very good, good, loved my baby but Leo was a wise dog. Leo even as a puppy was wise calm, sweet, obedient, calm, judicious. The balance that dog.
In those days I believed that I have with me the examples of the breeds most beautiful and good that a person can dream. When my three dogs started to have aged a bit 'critical thought I'd put a puppy I was certain that the three would help me to educate the newcomer and I was very happy to put a puppy in a well-balanced bunch. But which of my three favorite race? I chose the leonberger because of the easy nature of Leo. And so it came Wallace. Oscar And then after a year and then after a year Tobia. So our pack was made by the geriatric team and the youth group.
Unfortunately, the geriatric group now no longer there, one by one they left, leaving a great void. But having had the opportunity to enter the three boys during the life of three old I like to think that their presence continues to live with the lessons that have managed to convey.
character of the dog breed Leonberger
Many have called the "giant good-hearted" and have reason why the Leonberger dog is a sweet and sensitive, loving family life. Often I hear someone say: "4 dogs so big?? Who knows what the garden you have. " In fact I have the garden, but especially dogs live in the house. The garden may be convenient for me, if I'm wrong or if I did not want to go out, they can fulfill their needs but a leonberger segregated into the garden to make the watchdog would be just an unhappy dog. He needs to contact. Just in physical contact. I think it's the biggest lap dog ever!
At home there are migration: if I move from the living room to the kitchen I have four shadows that move their weight from one floor to another. Right now I'm under the desk: a sleeping directly on my feet and the others are around, because obviously my desk is not so big that they can sleep in, all at once!
are always available and happy to take walks. Ideally, in the great outdoors, where, despite having the opportunity to run freely choose to walk beside him. And 'one of the sweetest and most beautiful experiences that every owner can experience.
There are dogs that require great physical activity. After a walk so they need time to recover and sleep like angels. I think that would be content even able to do agility but I think it would be risky because of their weight on the joints. I've heard people who carry Leonberger in civil protection, research and debris on the surface but my opinion is that dogs are too heavy and subject them to a job so it might be risky.
If they like they can be more casual than in the rescue of water. My parents did not particularly like swimming. Enter the water just to please me and sometimes I like to stimulate them with a new experience but their favorite activity is to stand with us, whatever we do. If we sit down to read or watch television gives me the idea that they are very happy.
They have a presence that does not allow entry to people you do not want. They are not aggressive but are wary. Not always caressed by strangers who meet in the walk, they tend to retire and of course their attitude encourages us owners to explain to people who meet on the street that a strange dog should never be patted on the head but under the chin, following the agreement with the owner.
I currently have 4 leonberger while having as common denominator and the lifestyle that I just described everyone has a character distinct from the other. Every dog \u200b\u200bis a universe unto itself. Each a wonderful universe.
Brief history of the Leonberger
The origins of the German Leonberger is, precisely, Leonberg, where Mr. E. Essing (1808-1889) and national director of the city, began to breed different breeds of mastiff dogs because they are supposed to want to get a breed that looked like the image shown on the emblem of the city of Leonberg.
After many failed attempts to get this beautiful specimen with the crossing of Newfoundland, St.. Bernardo Mountain Dog Pyrenees.
The first specimen was discovered in 1846, in a dog show in Monaco in 1870, said that the most beautiful dog exhibition was a fawn dog with shades of black and resembled a lion. Later many famous people like Napoleon, Garibaldi, Wagner and others were proud of their Leonberger.
too, in my small way, I am!
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