Thursday, March 10, 2011

Low Hemoglobin, Regular Iron

asbestos cement pipes, the duty of truth

Water is a public good today and tomorrow will be a public good, with all due respect to those who promote a referendum to do so.
Council to the Lords promoters, however, to pay more attention to water quality rather than its advertising.
Since health is a right guaranteed by the Constitution (Article 32 co. 1 of the Constitution), would be good if it did clear the existence, even today, of asbestos cement pipes, because until the early '90s, these were all constructed of such material.
E 'is well known that the danger of asbestos, particularly its dust, was established only in relatively recent times: this, however, should serve as further incentive for the government.
I therefore ask that the mayor Delrio be in charge of ascertaining the actual state of the water system of Reggio, and makes the same request to the President Masini, to forward it to the mayors of the province, the government also must turn in IREN against, the public operator of water, because to cover the cost of providing a remedy deficiencies that may be revealed.
If there are certain problems, it is necessary fix it immediately, otherwise, for the sake of transparency and information, our directors have a duty to assume their responsibilities and explain publicly that the situation is under control and that there is no risk to health.


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