Sunday, October 31, 2010

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What's my name for my dog?

Sometimes I laugh. I firmly believe that my dog \u200b\u200bdoes not matter a damn if I call her "owner" (I exclude him to feel an "object") or "master" (he also exclude this term can be thought of "slave") or " Mom (who knows him the concept that we should not anthropomorphize animals) or "human companion (not conditioned by a culture that says that the communists eat children, but would like some dogs do, and in most cases, as blame them ?!?).

The dog simply cares about my name. Paradoxically cares even as I call him! Sometimes we use nicknames to call our dogs and they understand very well that we are addressing them. You do not need a school, let alone the university or the use of some kind of philosophical concepts. Just no love, no relationship, no contact, there is the desire to stay together.

Therefore it seemed really hilarious dissertation on "as they were supposed to call those who have a dog" . At the end of the discussion states that the term agreed between them was "Adopter". That evening I went to sleep soooooo much quieter. I knew who I was.
Besides an English word. So we "Adopters" are far more important than simple Italianissimo "adopters."

I believe only one thing: the time and the result will be charged. In truth the results can be glimpsed already. How come there are so many dogs to live in "enough" need balanced psychology, behavioral and Prozac? How is it that when dogs were dogs (and children debauchery) did not need the support of psychotropic drugs?

seems to me that there are around clones of the famous Dr. Spock (Editor's Note: Benjamin McLane Spock (1903-1998) was an American pediatrician who gained fame with a book of advice to mothers (Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care) published for the first time in 1946 and is was one of the most successful post-war editorials. The book has been translated into all major world languages. Spock's main thesis, which is widely criticized, was the need for a strong permissiveness by parents to their children. Over the years - on the basis of the devastating effects of permissiveness to the bitter end then verified in the growth of children - Spock has drastically revised his thesis).

Beyond the fact that probably many of the arguments of educators today dog \u200b\u200blovers will be revised and corrected, what is, what will the outcome of dogs superfrustrati, debauchery, with no reference points for the craving to be "leader "their dogs, but "Partner"?
Why throwing away even that which is good, from the past?
am the first to argue that coercive methods are barbaric. But the gentle methods can not exclude the "no", the prohibition, the rule. Dogs living with us, have the advantage of not having to provide food for hunting (I doubt they are capable ... I do not know what my dogs would survive in nature) and our care, our love, life provides us with limitations. If everything was experienced with the right moderation I think there would be many problems of living together. Both interspecific intraspecific that ....

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Ipergentilismo galore ... Dogs live here

Lately it seems to me that within the dog, but not only, we are losing in the depths of philosophy and lose sight of the substance of things.

I believe that most of the instructors are confronted with unprepared owners who choose a dog based on morphology, or worse, according to Disney fashion of the moment, and as a result of the ABC must neoproprietario at least based on the essential concepts of "am I to decide, so why are we all better." For all I mean the whole herd mixed, men and dogs making up the family.

Lately, he is coming to a phase of ipergentilismo: you see in Internet video absolutely insipid. Often I watch them several times why I put serious doubt on my ability to be able to see the meaning "deep". What we should save you a sense of humor, and then we laugh to keep from crying.

Yes, because in the end of all new theories who will pay the bill? Rhetorical question that contains within itself the answer: the dog.

dell'ipergentilismo The results can already be seen with dogs 8-9 months unmanageable. The owners are going to consult the veterinary behaviorists, who increasingly require (dogs) drugs. Certainly better than euthanasia. Even if sometimes the next step, alas, that is.

So what? How do you solve the problem?

possible that when a person has to buy an object, like a car, you are informed, does compare, buy magazines, asked who owns that car already ... because with dogs, although they are not objects but not sentient beings do this?

need more culture. Already need to teach children respect and the right approach with the animals, so that as adults do not commit gross errors which result in overcrowding in shelters or abandoned or the tragedies that happen every day because lacks empathy, the ability to "feel" the pain and the emotions of another being.

I firmly believe that children who grow up with animals have a higher gear if they are able to approach them properly and respectfully. And even the dogs, who have the opportunity to live with children compared with an aperture in the eyes of joy, that enchants.

"Give to Caesar what is Caesar's" and we also give to Cesar what is Cesar Millan Millan.

an earthquake in field dog, I know. I'm not the lawyer of Cesar Millan, not defending anyone, but beyond the "American" style, the owners of tears insipid weaklings who are unable to manage even the chihuahua, I really do not find it so objectionable that he proposes.

jerking? Sometimes it takes. If you keep your dog to jump into the street do it. Yes, I know, I know, you have to prevent your dog exhibits this misconduct. But I think a dog is still a dog. We are not able to predict human behavior, our own kind ... how can we presume to arrogate to provide any conduct of a being that does not even belong to our species?

is undoubtedly a crude, Use the "dominance" in the true sense of the term and get results. I do not know how long it takes to get the changes, certainly the dogs with whom he lives do not seem intimidated in his presence. They are very socialized with each other and recognize the authority Millan.

ipergentilisti How many of those able to live in a pack of dogs over 40?

My concern is: Will the owners spineless to live, after the intervention of Cesar Millan, in a different way?

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Ålidhem's Kyrkan, another room to think

E 'on a Sunday morning.
The DST change will probably fuck you right in because the sun starts to set at three and a half.
But ultimately the best thing is just that.
Sunday morning when the sun shines for a few hours I'm so well off, walking alone, I can not resist wandering in search of revelations.
The revelation of this Sunday was the kyrkan in my neighborhood.
I had not yet been nosy and the incredible thing is that I have reached after several minutes of wandering around when in fact it is located at 150/200 meters from my house, if you take the right shortcut + bridge.
kyrkan I call because I want to emphasize that a different name may sometimes want to indicate a different concept, regardless of the literal translation.
They are not able to properly describe the architecture of any building, forgive the naivety.
street is in the middle of the grove, a little 'dirt.
At one point the road is opened and the wood surrounds a tower that seems one of those towers in the medieval fortress, a beautiful dark wood, and the stand-alone kyrkan as a box very low and wide, with a warm red wood .
In the bell I do not know how to enter, however, I finally located the sound of the bells I hear some morning.
within the church. First thing that struck remain are the doors are made of various thin wooden boards with a horizontal spacing between each other so that light filters. You do not have the feeling to leave behind when you enter the world, as is the case with the heavy wooden doors of the massive Italian churches, after which there is darkness and austerity. Here
think the dark and austere, and what you will find is exactly the opposite. First, the
kyrkan is not only the building in which the function is celebrated and we pray, but is approached by a number of other places where you can read, talk, discuss their spirituality, food, children to play (between the other in small rooms adorable, I want to return the child to play with all those games in those fake mini-forest with real trees).
Obviously I wander around and I get the impression that the concept of spirituality is ahead because there are versions of Bibles in more engaging for boys and the story of Jesus is told to children in a more direct and closer to their reality (for example, c ' was a photographic tour on Calvary, where children were the subjects of photos and scenes just as the laughter of children represented by the weaker were violently scorned after school and photographs on mobile phones, etc.)..
The kyrkan in itself I find beautiful, but my opinion is a very moved by the wood and colors.
Here, as in the room to think, is not represented Christ on the cross, but a vast and colorful tapestry that leaves at least more space to peaceful thoughts, and I really wonder why you put in the Christian church in the middle of all the immense suffering, not I could provoke progressive and liberating way of life.
Flashes of blue running around the high kyrkan jumping from a wooden plank and the other from the windows filter a huge sense of purity to me almost unique.
This will become another of my room to think, maybe one of the best.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

How To Make Your Own Cavy Cuddle Cup

If you don't want to be greeted with paws and swinging tails
don't come inside because Dogs live here.

If you don't like the feel of a cold nose or a wet tongue,
don't come inside because Dogs live here.

If you don't want to step over many scattered toys,
don't come inside because Dogs live here.

If you think that a home ought to smell of perfume,
don't come inside because Dogs live here.

If you don't mind all of this,
you will be instantly loved when you come inside,
because Dogs live here.

~ Author: David Lester ~

If you do not want to be greeted with paws and wagging
not enter, because dogs live here.

If you do not like the feeling of a cold nose or wet tongue,
not enter, because dogs live here.

If you climb over many scattered toys,
not enter, because dogs live here.

If you think a house should smell of perfume,
not enter, because dogs live here.

But if you do not care about all this, you will be loved just as you enter, because dogs live here!

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Mafalda (01.20.1996 - 16.03.2009)

to you that you are the unique
The only reason to go through with my every breath For

When I look
After a day full of words
Without you to tell me anything

Everything becomes clear to you that you found me
All '
corner with his fists closed With my back against the wall Ready to defend

With I was looking down
in line with the disillusioned

You've picked up as a cat
And did you bring with you
To you I sing a song
Because I have nothing better to offer nothing

Of all that I take my time

And the magic that with only one jump
We are flying into the air bubbles

How To you who are just six

Substance of my days Substance of my days

To you who are my great love And my great love

To you that have made my life
And you have done much more
To you that have given meaning to Without time
To you who are my great love
And my great love To you I

I saw you crying in my hand I could kill
Holdin 'a bit' And then I saw you

With the strength of an airplane
Grasp your life and drag it to safety

To you who taught me the art of adventure and dreams

To you who believe in the courage
And even in fear
A you who are the best thing i have ever had

to you that changes every day and always remains the same

To you who are
Just six Substance of my days

substance of my dreams To you who are essentially

six Substance of my dreams Substance of my days

to you that you do not like And you're a marvel never

The forces of nature are concentrated in
Whether you are a rock you are a plant you're a hurricane You
the horizon that greets me when I walk away
to you that you're the only friend that I can have

The only love I'd want
If I had you with me
to you who made my life beautiful to die that you can render the effort a great pleasure,
you're my love and my great love,
you that you took my life and I've done much more, you
You're a the cliff,
you who are my great love and my great love,
you who you are, just six days of my substance, substance of my dreams ...
and to you who you are, simply are, companion of my days ... stuff of dreams ...

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Dogs speak

sits beside me and looks at me panting as soon as: he wants something. During our walks I always say when it's time to go home: jumps, spins on its hind legs and take the hasty way back. I open the faucet of the bathtub, I turn around and launch a smile, a wagging her tail down, ears flattened. Does nothing but talk, but without uttering a sound.

There is a certain poignancy in defining our animals "silent friends", in noting the "tacit wonder "of a dog, nell'annuire to his" private silence. "They are all ways to talk about the family dog, which we do not respond in kind when we turn to them. A good part of the charm of the dogs we place lies in empathy when we contemplate them in silence. But these descriptions, however evocative, I appear wrong in two respects. On one side are not the animals who wish to speak but can not, we who want to get them to talk and we do not succeed. On the other almost all animals, dogs in particular, are neither dumb nor inexpressive. Dogs, like wolves, they communicate with their eyes, ears, tail and body posture.

Dogs speak. Communicate. Estab. Express themselves. Nothing surprising. The real surprise is the frequency and variety of their ways of communicating. Talk to each other, talk with us, talk to the noises behind the door or hiding in the tall grass. It is a herd instinct in us family: a plurality of communication modes from essential social creatures, like humans. Vocalizations, smells, poses and facial expressions come into play when a dog wants to communicate with his fellow, and if we listen, even with us.

(taken from: "How do you think your dog" by Alexandra Horowitz - 2010 Ed Knopf)

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Terms and flexibility

When two living beings are involved, requires an approach with feelings, and perhaps pretend to remain open and attentive to the reality of what is happening in a dynamic between the two, if we do not, choose a life lived with the feelings and not mechanically. In the long run, the beauty that comes from the complexity will be lost and no longer present within the boundaries established by the rules, the dynamic quality of a relationship is created only through mutual agreement and understanding, not with the rules, will not. If we follow your rules our hearts are not free to dance in response to each other: trudging along, trying to imitate a waltz. At the end we just disappointed that the rules created within a relationship: an unsatisfactory and static version of the real thing, not expanding nor warms our souls.
After all, it does not matter what a trainer says, a book, a veterinarian or any other source of advice. The final arbiters to determine whether an approach works or does not work must be the two individuals involved in the report.

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Many problems that complicate human communication also exist in our relationship with dogs. Dog or son, or puppy parent, friend or Fido, we still find ways to understand and be understood, so is the nature of communication in any form. We still have to find ways to give shape to our communication with respect, curiosity point of view, willingness to listen (even if we do not like what we hear), understanding of how our communication is received and how it could be affected the listener. We have yet to find a way to not only hear with your ears, listening means harmonizing our senses to the statement of another, to the nuances and gestures of the eyes and breathe in the body. To hear our dogs we need to listen with your heart.

In a love relationship must be willing to do to get us to choose the quality event, knowing that in every interaction we move only in two directions: towards greater trust, understanding and relationship intensity or at a greater distance between ourselves and another. The way we choose to communicate will enhance or limit our relationship.
In any communication we have the power to choose how to communicate with dogs. If we love them, if we respect them, if we are trying to create a quality event, then we also have an obligation to listen to what they have to say.

What is inevitable in any communication is this: the common ingredient in all our relationships, whether with men or beasts, we are. As they say: "Wherever you go, you're there forever." Our beliefs, expectations and assumptions color all our communications up to astonishing levels.
Very often what we understand as stupid or stubborn has little to do with the level of intelligence dog. What we really mean when we say that a dog is stupid or stubborn or lazy is that he does not agree with us, it is not doing what we want. When we try to force a dog to accept our specific methodology and ignore what it says about the inadequacy for him, we are actually saying that in our toolbox is not a teaching that works for him and really do not even care. We believe that the failure is due only to the dog stubborn, stupid, dominant, fearful (choose your adjective) and not on our approach to it.
Try to see from another point of view, it is sometimes easier said than done. No matter how much we can be empathetic, many errors and mistakes are made as we move to fumble trying to understand, to guess, by walking a few miles in the legs of another.

(From: "Bones Would Rain from the Sky" by Suzanne Clothier)

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"It 's just a dog" ... Mafalda

From time to time, people tell me, "but it is just a dog" or "have a lot of money for just a dog." They do not understand the distance traveled, time spent, or the costs involved "only a dog." Some of my proudest moments have taken place with "only a dog." I spent many hours with "just a dog" as my only company, but I never felt neglected. Some of my saddest moments have been supported by "just a dog", and in those days of darkness, the gentle touch of "just a dog" gave me comfort and reason to overcome the day.

If you think that it is "just a dog", then you probably understand phrases like "just a friend", "just a sunrise", or "just a promise." "Just a dog" brings into my life the very essence of friendship, trust, and pure unbridled joy. "Just a dog" brings out the compassion and patience that makes me a better person. Because of "just a dog" I shall rise early, I will make long walks and to the future with guardarò desire. So for me and for people like me, is not "just a dog", but the expression of all the hopes and dreams of the future, the lovely memories of the past, and the pure joy of the moment.
"Just a dog" brings out what's good in me and diverts my thoughts away from myself and the worries of the day.

I hope that one day they will understand that it is "just a dog" but the thing that gives me humanity and keeps me "just a man / woman." So the next Once you hear the phrase "just a dog", smile, because they "just do not understand."

Author Unknown

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In memory of ...

I miss him so much ... It 's a piece of me, my heart . Since I knew it would come into the house right now and since it was not a healthy thought I chased him, enjoying every moment that this sweet black bear was giving me.
E 'was love at first sight, was mutual trust and unconditional. So when I called the veterinarian to help in this, his last step was tormenting me with your mind: "I'll be doing the right thing? Who would want to avoid the agony, me or her? I'm not cheating? "
But my dark angel, my overriding capricornona stubborn and decided one more time: 5 minutes before the veterinarian arrived with the fatal sting is gone, saving THAT 'bitter decision.
She left my arms, surrounded by all the people who really loved her: she waited for Hector, who ended to work and then, with me that hug and said "thank you" I love her with all my heart and in my heart will always be with Lory, her blonde sister, with my mom and my sister ... we gave his last breath.
We shared 13 years in harmony ... it was love at first sight, a harmony that goes beyond words.
You were always sure of my love for you, Mafy, why do not you ever been jealous, the arrival of puppies, indeed, you were always very balanced and cooperative. You're a great soul and you left a huge void.
I hope to heaven there is the sea, and I adore you with you ... you're a show, when you swim happy!
Thank Mafy, you were great. You were my mom and you were my daughter. You were my precious guardian, the unique baby sitter for Lory, you were my best student and my teacher excellent (how many lessons you taught me ...) have you been an educator for me and the puppies have arrived: patient but unyielding. Consistent without ever being cruel. Determined and aware of her infinite beauty. A real princess. Princess And you're gone.
Please Mafy, when it handrail my time meeting and I will understand that I'm really in heaven.
Thank Mafy, you will always be a part of me .... We will not ever ....


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The room

This morning, the university is closed, but with my card I can get to Naturvetarhuset day and night, throughout the week.
While waiting to be joined by a friend (German, then exceptionally late), put my stuff on the third floor (which is the first for us) under the immense glass roof (so bright place to study), and wander a bit 'around.
remain attracted to the room, "Kapell" to which I moved next door several times but did not come out of curiosity.
So later I find a very cozy room with an organ and chairs for those who want to sit, puff for those who want to stay with his legs crossed and mats for those who want prostate earth.
many candles around and tends to hide from the only window.
Swedes perhaps because very little religious on average, are on alert to give open to any kind of religious belief.
But the question will arise spontaneously in some of you please front WHAT? Why
ok chairs, mats and puff, like all the candles, but that the center takes two perpendicular pieces of wood, a statue that fat, and the other who knows what deviltry in the direction of a distant city.
What I found the center was a step higher than putting a statue for every religion.
It 's a kind of tapestry in which everyone can see what we want.
there I saw the sea of \u200b\u200btrivial thoughts in which we are immersed and great invitation to turn our gaze towards something bigger, metaphorically at the top.
's so this has become for me the room to think.

in the room to think you can get without a religion professed,
you can lie down and sit and admire the tapestry that your thoughts will eventually dominate.

And to bring down the atmosphere of spirituality, I leave you with a little gem.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

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to think "Try"

"Try" -

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

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October 26, afternoon between sheets of freezing at a cemetery of cars just me, silent but extraordinarily alive

Sunday, October 24, 2010

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Assault to Police

At the suggestion of a dear friend willingly insult a news story a few days ago.
Reggio Emilia, Via Emilia towards San Maurizio, two Police officers stopped a car to check the status of the tires. These, after an easy analysis, were almost smooth. The driver and passenger, both Nigerians, are beginning to yield in outburst. Arise their other compatriots who surround the Carabinieri. After several long minutes of tension, the situation is resolved for the better, with some arrests.
or so things went well, maybe try to get more details to inform you by BigD bagnolese legendary reporter, the news is not my forte ...
The news speaks for itself: who assault the police force deserves all my blame and a condemnation. Were non-doing it? Be ', this should make us reflect ... If these people have no scruples assaulted two law enforcement, it means that the sense of impunity has increased enormously: there are laws, it is good that these are implemented, otherwise everyone will feel entitled to do anything. Among these attackers were illegal immigrants? Fine, that are identified and that the law take its course. The others were regular
? Very well, have helped to create a precedent for reconsidering their residence permit.
I believe in integration, but attack the police, who in Italy are a symbol of our best and most important, is moving in exactly the opposite direction.
Sarkozy has always declared that France belongs to those who love her, but did not hesitate, as Minister of the Interior, to be called "scum" rioters the suburbs.
Here, it is so also in Italy: Open without prejudice to those who wish to share in the peace tradition and culture, but inflexibility with those who think they do not respect the rules of civil coexistence.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

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The ADMO looking for new volunteers for bone marrow donation, please move!

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Drugs, as well as the business and the family pain

banquet last generation of Italy I had a chat with a boy I was younger than me, and gave me much food for thought.
We talked about drugs. He told me he worked in some communities and at the SERT.
I discovered many things that did not know and did not even suspect, and I think it is fair to share them.
policies against drugs, in a globalized world, should take into account different variables, and not just some-in fact, the crackdown on soft drugs (which I always shared), the simultaneous re-opening of the "opium market" of Afghanistan and the increasingly greater influence of the 'Ndrangheta as a prime importer of Colombian cocaine, drug dealers have been thrown back on the trafficking of heroin and cocaine. If they have to risk it, might as well do it with a higher profit margin (horrible to say, because the gain is made on the skin and the health of our children, and not only ...).
With heroin has jumped back twenty years, and coca is now within the reach of children, and not just some rich manager or a freelancer.
The social cost of this disease is enormous: the regular consumer of cocaine and heroin is difficult to recover in the long run, at worst, it becomes a real burden to society, and the damage is irreversible.
There is also a less visible and more subdula fallout: lots of top managers, many brokers, many brokers, to stand up to the frenzy and the pace of their work, sniffing for "stay a bit 'on'. Well, 'I do not mean that coca has the sole responsibility of so many financial disasters, but it certainly has not helped to make it shiny so many people who found themselves making important decisions at crucial moments ...
When the policy addresses these issues would do well to go and talk and discuss with stakeholders to verify what the consequences of decisions and measures which, I believe, are made in good faith and in the common interest but which may, in sometimes be counterproductive.
I intend to investigate this issue, talking to whoever is dealing with it every day: I do not think that it's the time of the Crusades, in a globalized and hyper speed should be a deep understanding of the problems to try to solve them.

Saturday, October 9, 2010



I have no problem responding to any kind of question, but I will on one condition: that the comments are not anonymous.
comment on the first two who arrived, just because I had not given this fact, and will continue to publish anonymous comments, because the internet is freedom of expression and, unless the contents are not overly offensive or contain offensive personal references of honor and dignity (oh, you can see who hangs out a law firms ...!), I have no problem posting comments, precisely, anonymous.
But if someone thinks you want to discuss, face to face then I discovered and signed, by taking responsibility for their thesis.
not pretend that everyone think like me (miiiiiiiiiiii, how boring would ....), but at least if you want to discuss, whether we face cards.
Thank you for your attention.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Dog Seizure Old First


Saccaggi From the blog of Stephen, a dear friend of Generation Scandiano Italy.