Lately it seems to me that within the dog, but not only, we are losing in the depths of philosophy and lose sight of the substance of things.
I believe that most of the instructors are confronted with unprepared owners who choose a dog based on morphology, or worse, according to Disney fashion of the moment, and as a result of the ABC must neoproprietario at least based on the essential concepts of "am I to decide, so why are we all better." For all I mean the whole herd mixed, men and dogs making up the family.
Lately, he is coming to a phase of ipergentilismo: you see in Internet video absolutely insipid. Often I watch them several times why I put serious doubt on my ability to be able to see the meaning "deep". What we should save you a sense of humor, and then we laugh to keep from crying.
Yes, because in the end of all new theories who will pay the bill? Rhetorical question that contains within itself the answer: the dog.
dell'ipergentilismo The results can already be seen with dogs 8-9 months unmanageable. The owners are going to consult the veterinary behaviorists, who increasingly require (dogs) drugs. Certainly better than euthanasia. Even if sometimes the next step, alas, that is.
So what? How do you solve the problem?
possible that when a person has to buy an object, like a car, you are informed, does compare, buy magazines, asked who owns that car already ... because with dogs, although they are not objects but not sentient beings do this?
need more culture. Already need to teach children respect and the right approach with the animals, so that as adults do not commit gross errors which result in overcrowding in shelters or abandoned or the tragedies that happen every day because lacks empathy, the ability to "feel" the pain and the emotions of another being.
I firmly believe that children who grow up with animals have a higher gear if they are able to approach them properly and respectfully. And even the dogs, who have the opportunity to live with children compared with an aperture in the eyes of joy, that enchants.
"Give to Caesar what is Caesar's" and we also give to Cesar what is Cesar Millan Millan.
an earthquake in field dog, I know. I'm not the lawyer of Cesar Millan, not defending anyone, but beyond the "American" style, the owners of tears insipid weaklings who are unable to manage even the chihuahua, I really do not find it so objectionable that he proposes.
jerking? Sometimes it takes. If you keep your dog to jump into the street do it. Yes, I know, I know, you have to prevent your dog exhibits this misconduct. But I think a dog is still a dog. We are not able to predict human behavior, our own kind ... how can we presume to arrogate to provide any conduct of a being that does not even belong to our species?
is undoubtedly a crude, Use the "dominance" in the true sense of the term and get results. I do not know how long it takes to get the changes, certainly the dogs with whom he lives do not seem intimidated in his presence. They are very socialized with each other and recognize the authority Millan.
ipergentilisti How many of those able to live in a pack of dogs over 40?
My concern is: Will the owners spineless to live, after the intervention of Cesar Millan, in a different way?
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