Sunday, October 31, 2010

Male Aesthetician Brazillian Wax

What's my name for my dog?

Sometimes I laugh. I firmly believe that my dog \u200b\u200bdoes not matter a damn if I call her "owner" (I exclude him to feel an "object") or "master" (he also exclude this term can be thought of "slave") or " Mom (who knows him the concept that we should not anthropomorphize animals) or "human companion (not conditioned by a culture that says that the communists eat children, but would like some dogs do, and in most cases, as blame them ?!?).

The dog simply cares about my name. Paradoxically cares even as I call him! Sometimes we use nicknames to call our dogs and they understand very well that we are addressing them. You do not need a school, let alone the university or the use of some kind of philosophical concepts. Just no love, no relationship, no contact, there is the desire to stay together.

Therefore it seemed really hilarious dissertation on "as they were supposed to call those who have a dog" . At the end of the discussion states that the term agreed between them was "Adopter". That evening I went to sleep soooooo much quieter. I knew who I was.
Besides an English word. So we "Adopters" are far more important than simple Italianissimo "adopters."

I believe only one thing: the time and the result will be charged. In truth the results can be glimpsed already. How come there are so many dogs to live in "enough" need balanced psychology, behavioral and Prozac? How is it that when dogs were dogs (and children debauchery) did not need the support of psychotropic drugs?

seems to me that there are around clones of the famous Dr. Spock (Editor's Note: Benjamin McLane Spock (1903-1998) was an American pediatrician who gained fame with a book of advice to mothers (Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care) published for the first time in 1946 and is was one of the most successful post-war editorials. The book has been translated into all major world languages. Spock's main thesis, which is widely criticized, was the need for a strong permissiveness by parents to their children. Over the years - on the basis of the devastating effects of permissiveness to the bitter end then verified in the growth of children - Spock has drastically revised his thesis).

Beyond the fact that probably many of the arguments of educators today dog \u200b\u200blovers will be revised and corrected, what is, what will the outcome of dogs superfrustrati, debauchery, with no reference points for the craving to be "leader "their dogs, but "Partner"?
Why throwing away even that which is good, from the past?
am the first to argue that coercive methods are barbaric. But the gentle methods can not exclude the "no", the prohibition, the rule. Dogs living with us, have the advantage of not having to provide food for hunting (I doubt they are capable ... I do not know what my dogs would survive in nature) and our care, our love, life provides us with limitations. If everything was experienced with the right moderation I think there would be many problems of living together. Both interspecific intraspecific that ....


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