On 29 May 2008, Leo passed away. He was 12 years and even though he had white mustache and gait of grandpa for me was always my wise child. I missed a lot but is not especially Mafalda, who continued in the days following his death, to seek the last place she had seen. Leo was a beautiful death. He had just finished eating, I have escorted all others, supporting Mafy, who had problems with joints. When I was in the garden, I realized that I missed a call, then taken back home I saw Mafalda Leo who was lying on the veranda and looked at me with his head up. I told him, "Come on, love, come along to pee ..." He looked at me and he bowed his head and died, lying down, urinating. Just think, despite his age had never soiled in the house. Not once. That was the first and last time. I have experienced the death of Leo with great sadness but the feeling that prevailed was the gratitude I felt deeply privileged in having had next to a dog so wise, so balanced, so collaborative, so wonderful that I fall in love with the breed.
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