Wallace joined the existing herd at the age of 63 days. We were going to see the litter since the baby was about 30 days. At that time, Bruno and Mauritius were people full of passion and I thought they loved their dogs. They had two litters in that time available. We had chosen, based on the characteristics of the mother character to choose a puppy Oxana (a cagnolona not aesthetically beautiful, her eyes are too close, the muzzle very long and very little sleep-but it has a wonderful character. The other mother Ashanti was that despite the name is a brawling, even rather reluctant to touch. Unlike Oxana, Ashanti was the most beautiful dog they had. But we did not have ambitions to expo and for us it was very engaging character of Oxana.
When we contacted them by phone to see if the puppies were born (we had booked a boy) told us that there was a small problem. Puppies Oxana had 7 in one of two males, but males had a severe malformation of the forelimbs and the other had the intention to hold them and then we could choose among those born of Ashanti.
During our first trip to learn about puppies is that Lori Ettore told me: "I beg you, do not get caught by the emotions, do not click the handicapped dog would not have a normal life, please, please, I beg .... "
When we got there we saw this tidal wave of baby: Oxana is that Ashanti had 7 puppies, respectively. They were all small, stumbling, tumbling, they were all beautiful, but there was one with a huge big head, compared to the others that I had won, because instead of chewing my hands looked in his eyes, looking very close contact. I watched them all, but I was "magnetized" by that "big head" with fresh eyes. My husband and Lori said, "we believe that you have your choice ...." I tried to watch the others, but the most beautiful that I looked just like the big head dolcione enormous. When we said, "If you agree, we choose this" and Maurizio Bruno replied: "No, that can not." I thought that, being the "most beautiful" they wanted to keep them. Instead they told me that the puppy was malformed. "Malformed? It seems to me like the others, only sweeter ... "But they showed me their elbows, they were everted like the bulldog. In fact he walked bent forward, compared to others, but as he was the roly-poly than I thought it was a weight problem.
Okay, we focused on others. None of us looked the most stubborn sweet. And none of us could no longer see the pup "just for us." If everyone was getting pretty at that time one had won the hearts. Even trying to operate only the head, the heart has got the better of us and we embarked in the adventure and acceptance all the problems to come. Our child was Wallace, fearless heart, who, in spite of his handicap as he could get up and walked, played, rolled.
This long introduction to get you to understand why, despite the problems that we could have chosen jointly Wallace.
When Wallace arrived at home, in addition to the company of humans met:
· Lucky, golden retriever, female
· Mafalda, Newfoundland, female
· Leo Leonberger male
The choice of the Leonberger was decided by the character of Leo. All my dogs were good dogs, but if there is no perfect dog, Leo it's pretty close: it was sweet, balanced, never quarrelsome. If you meet him howling dogs do not deign to look. Lori, who was then 8 years old, quietly took him for a walk with the leash in a performance ... period!
Mafalda was honestly my favorite: is the dog that took my heart and soul. She had the appearance of Newfoundland, but inside he felt a route.
was a good keeper but could not tolerate the screaming children. Not attacking them, no, but gave signs of intolerance that always avoided situations that would put under stress. Was beautiful, was a female that looked like a male but not drooling. It was my furry child. When he left us in March 2009 I went into a long crisis. The other dogs consoled me, but I was also dragging their sadness.
I'm lost, I went off topic, I am always the Mafy this effect. So I was saying that the three good races, The Leonberger was that for balance, character and management of the hair was the easiest. Despite the mole!
With them I have never attended any school of education. They have always been very disciplined in both city walks (I took them, all three at once). They did not "pack" against other dogs. They were friendly and always tried to avoid fights. When the group was approaching at a very very honorable ... Lucky had over 10 years, Mafalda 9:30 9 Leo and I introduced Wallace. The severe malformation that affects the front legs of the elbow dysplasia is not: it lacks the plateau of the radio. my vet when he saw the sheets you put your hands in your hair, wondering how the heck stand up this dog ....
He is well integrated in the group "geriatric" knew her place, it was not intrusive, it was reported in a fantastic way to be with people with my dogs. Because of his deformity I avoided walking "forced" let him that moved when he wanted and rested when she felt the need. The result was that when I took it for the first time to take a short walk to the park (at the age of 13 months) If you meet any problems but if people could see the shadow of a dog becomes a mad horse. Several times I was dragged. I ruined hands and knees, not to mention the jeans broken ... even as a child I had many bruises.
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