Min fika
Eh yes, we own a beautiful corridor.
Every two weeks we take a fika together, it helps when you need us, we keep the kitchen, dining room and hallway cleaned and crosses always some pleasant conversation at lunch and dinner.
The photo you see above is the "min fika" (write in Italian would have aroused some anger): strawberry jam by Hanne, biscuits Ica (it is a supermarket ..), coffee, apple juice, cranberry juice and then my little gem.
That's not all a cake, is my first cake!
I had to face growing progressively difficult tasks, find the type of sugar in the supermarket (degree of difficulty 1 / 5), melt the chocolate (2 / 5), separate the whites from the yolks (2 / 5 in spite of all ' beginning I had high hopes), and "whip" (4 / 5 I had no idea how I did).
Well after all I was surprised myself, the result was excellent, looked like a cake.
As for decorating, "3G" is our hall Fysikgränd.
While the cake may seem a simple chocolate cake, a heart hidden inside and creamy chocolate that are sure to surprise you (all about the great cooking tips from my Sister Germana of confidence, always willing to assist me with a text message in real time dissolving any doubt).
I enclose below the recipe in case you're curious to try (I know you have probably more to do than baking a cake, but it is very relaxing, just choose the right record).
I open a parenthesis on Cleaning Week, perhaps never mentioned before. The
Cleaning Week, or also known as The "I keep this place clean" list, is an answer to the question "How come your hall is not a pigsty?".
Each week in rotation one of us is responsible for keeping clean the cooker, table, kitchen counters, empty the trash (the 4 different, that of food and the "not-so-that-is-the-fact -this "), vacuuming in the hallway, kitchen, wash the floor of the hall and kitchen, clean oven, microwave, etc.. etc.
In everything always exists a golden rule: Try to leave a little cleaner than you found it. This rule is truly magical and construction (while the reverse leads to the collapse of the system itself).
seems silly, it seems only a simple mop here and there, but the key is to live well in society. Give and you shall receive
someone said. Good
earlier this week, tomorrow I start new courses 2 +1 (2 here in Sweden and one that I prepare at a distance) all based on quantum mechanics are clearly excited!
200 g of dark chocolate
200 g sugar 200 g butter
4 eggs 1 pinch of salt 4 tablespoons
flour powdered sugar or cocoa
melt the chocolate in a saucepan dark with some water ciucchiaio
add the butter and sugar and stir over the heat to low heat
until creamy
let cool a bit the cream is incorporated into the egg yolks
mount the egg whites with a whisk until stiff and add them gently
then add salt and flour
pour the mixture into a baking pan lined with parchment paper better
the cake is very delicate is easily rompr
bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes
once cooked and cooled sprinkle with powdered sugar or cocoa powder if it breaks
present in such small chocolate squares
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